Hey! I'm Ignat, a Robot Learning researcher. I am currently doing a PhD at Georgia Tech, working with Animesh Garg. My deeply seeded belief is that robotics and learning have the potential to change the world for the better, and my mission is to bring intelligent star-wars-like robots one step closer to reality (minus the blasters).

Prior used to work as an ML engineer/researcher in autonomous vehicles. Nowadays I occasionally do some consulting or contracting work on projects I find interesting. Shoot me an email if you have something in mind!

This little website is my space to tell the world about me, put my resume out there, show off my research and blog some wisdom. You can find all of my research on Google Scholar.

Selected Research

Blog posts

My journey into FPV

I have recently gotten into the world of FPV drone racing. It's a passionate hobby of mine which combines many of my interests and I'd like to share my journey

One day last summer while I was having an internship at Roborace, a colleague of mine turned up to work with a very dodgy looking contraption strapped to his backpack. It had bare circuit boards, exposed wires and looked like an electronics project I would have had in high school.... [Read More]

First post!

About 2 years ago something sparked up in my head and said: “Wouldn’t it be cool to start a blog”. Since then I’ve debated in my head with questions like “Do I even have enough time for this?”, “What would this blog even be about?” and “What’s the whole point... [Read More]
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